Connect with a
Positive Peace Activator
Rotary Positive Peace Activators can act as a resource for your district and assist you in peace education, in planning your next peace project, or in incorporating the Positive Peace lens to other projects.
Connect with an ActivatorLet us connect you with an Activator
Rotary members are welcome to connect with Activators based on their peace needs – we can help connect you.
Who are the Positive Peace Activators?
Rotarians, Rotary Peace Fellows, Rotaractors, and other Rotary stakeholders:
- Selected through a competitive process and who demonstrate a clear commitment to peacebuilding; some are Rotarian volunteers and others are full-time peacebuilding professionals.
- Attend an intensive 20-hour training on the Positive Peace methodology and framework.
- Make a two-year commitment to provide training, education, and support to Rotarians.

Be a part of the Global Movement
Between 2020 and 2025, more than 200 Positive Peace Activators will be trained in strategic regions around the world. Submit your expression of interest today.
Expression of Interest